Unwind (dementia)

Reflexology for Dementia

In our current society many people have to deal with dementia: in their own family or in the immediate vicinity.
Because of the aging population the number of people with dementia will increase.
After the age of 65 the chance of obtaining dementia has doubled in comparison to someone younger than 65 years of age. A 85 years old person has even a far greater possibility to develop dementia.

In the webinar ‘Unwind – Reflexology and dementia’ the following topics will be discussed:

  • What is dementia?
  • What types of dementia are there?
  • How can you recognize dementia?
  • What can be done about it?
  • Or isn’t there anything to be done?
  • Simple exercises to apply.
  • A video tutorial of a reflexology foot- and handmassage.
  • After the webinar you’ll get a link, so you can see it again (duration a month).

You register and aproximately 2-3 weeks beforehand you’ll receive the invoice. The invoice has to be paid at least 4 days before the actual webinar. After payment you will receive an email with information about participation (webinar-link etc.). After participating in the webinar you will receive a proof of participation and a link so can see it again in your own time.
The webinar is not approved by any association. Most professional associations however provide an opportunity to attend unapproved refresher courses.


Prijs €65,-
Accreditatie not approved by a reflexology-association
Aantal uren / EC 3

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"Extra handvaten gekregen voor mezelf en anderen. Brigitte is helder, uitgebreid en erg praktijkgericht." - Eveline